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《中国问题》--- 罗素作于1922年
罗素(1872~1970),英国哲学家。1920年来华讲学,任北京 大学客座教授达一年。——编者
罗素著《中国 之问题》摘句及译文 梁漱溟 出版社:当代中国出版社
All clases in China are found of laughter and never miss a chance of a joke.(原书189页)
二、他们的古音乐有些很优美,曲调优雅使人仅仅听到而止(似指古琴)。在艺术上他们爱好幽静(恬淡),在生活 上则要合乎理性。
Their old music, some of which is very beautiful, makes so little noise that one can only just hear it.In art they aim at being exquisite, and in life at being reasonable.(189页)
…so that the foreigners, who have lived longest in China are who love the Chinese best.(190页)
四、孔子 和其后学所发展者是纯讲习伦理的一个学派,没有宗教 性和独断教诫,亦就不发生出一个有权力的教会机关和引致于迫害异教徒。它确实成功地开展出其整个民族所有的雍容气度和礼让习俗。礼让之风在中国非徒然为例行格套而已,即在曾一无先例的场合亦行之真切。此非限于某一社会 阶层为然也,亦且见于卑微的苦力之间。
His (Confucius)system, as developed by his followers, is one of pure ethics, without religious dogma; it has not given rise to a powerful priesthood, and it has not led to persecution. It certainly has succeeded in producing a whole nation possessed of exquisite manners and perfect courtesy. Nor is Chinese courtesy merely conventional; it is quite as reliable in situations for which no precedent has been provided. And it is not confined to one class; it exists even in the humblest coolie.(190页)
五、欧洲人每以为中国人 的谦恭礼让是懦弱,实则正是他的力量之所在;他即以此力量卒于制胜其历史 上过去的那些外族征服者。
Europeans often regard this as weakness, but it is really strength, the strength by which the Chinese have hitherto conquered all their conquerors.(190页)
六、在基督教 和回教正统的教诫上,从不容许人崇信其他宗教;但在中国此不相容性却不见有。一个人可以既信佛教 又为儒士,彼此之间两不相妨。
The dogmas of Christianity and Mohammedanism, in their orthodox forms, are so framed that no man can accept both.But in China this incompatibility does not exist; a man may be both a Buddist and a Confucius because nothing in either is incompatibility with the other.(191页)
…they say“religions are many, but reason is one”.(196~197页)
China is practically destitute of religion, not only in the upper classes, but throughout the population. There is a very definite ethical code, but it is not fierce or persecuting, and does not contain the notion“sin”.(192页)
九、虽则中国文化 之内过去缺少科学,但从不存在任何敌视科学之意。因此在其普及科学知识的路上不会有如往者欧洲教会之为阻碍的那样。
Although Chinese civilization has hitherto been deficient in science, it never contained anything hostile to science, and therefore the spread of scientific knowledge encounters no such obstacles as the Church put in its way in Europe.(193页)
十、西方文化的明显特点,我以为就在科学方法;中国文化的明显特点则是他们对人生 意义的正确认识。吾人希望此二者应当逐渐结合在一起。
The distinctive merit of our civilization, I should say, is the scientific method; the distinctive merit of the Chinee a just conception of the ends of life. It is these two that one must hope to see gradually uniting.(194页)
if any nation in the world could ever be“too proud to fight”,that nation would be China. The natural Chinese attitude is one of tolerance and friendliness, showing courtesy and expecting it in return. If the Chinese chose, they could be the most powerful nation in the world. But they only desire freedom, not domination.(197页)
Chinese, we are convinced that the kindest thing we can do to them is to make them like ourselves. I believe this to be a profound mistake. It seemed to me that the average Chinaman, even if he is miscerably poor, is happier than the average Englishman, and is happier because the nation is built upon a more humane and civilized outlook than our own.(197页)
十三、我不否认中国人在和西方相反的方向上走得太偏、太远,但正为此之故,我想东西两方的接触将于彼此都会产生好结果。他们将得以向我们学取那些切合实际 效用所必不可少的东西,而我们则向他们学习到某些内心智慧——这是当其他古老民族均先后衰亡以去,而他们卒赖之以独存至今者。
I do not deny that the Chinese go too far in the other direction; but for that very reason I think contact between East and West is likely to be fruitful to both parties. They may learn from us the indispensable minimum of practical efficiency, and we may learn from them something of that contemplative wisdom which has enabled them to persist while all the other nations of antiquity have perished.(197~198页)
十四、标准的西方人总想尽可能地改善其环境,殆无休止,而标准的中国人则尽可能地安于所遇,温文地享受其处境。这是中国人和说英语 的人之间最根本的不同点。
The typical Westerner wishes to be the cause of as many changes as possible in his environment; the typical Chinaman wishes to enjoy as much and as delicately as possible. This difference is at the bottom of most of the contrast between China and the Englishspeaking world.(202页)
But perhaps something may be preserved, something of the ethical qualities in which China is supreme, and which the modern world most desperately needs. Among these qualities, I place first the pacific temper, which seeks to settle disputes on grounds of justice rather than by force.(212~213页)
China is much less a political entity than a civilization—the only one that has survived from ancient times.(208页)
I think they are the only people in the world who quite genuinely believe that wisdom is more precious than rubies.(225页)
十八、中国从其资源和其人口来说,完全可能继美国 之后成为世界最强大的国家。
China, by her resources and her population, is capable of being the greatest Power in the world after the United States.(241页)
…and that foreign nations have had no need to fear China, in spite of its immense population and resources.(192页)
I have tried to show in this book that the Chinese are, in certain ways, superior to us, and it would not be good either for them or for us if, in these ways, they had to descend to our level in order to preserve their existence as a nation.(241页)
Independence is to be sought, not as an end in itself, but as a means towards a new blend of Western skill with the traditional Chinese virtues. If this end is not achieved, political independence will have little value.(242页)
But if this is to be done successfully, it will require a great change in Chinese morals, a development of public spirit in place of the family ethic, a transference to the public service of that honesty which already exists in private business, and a degree of energy which is at present rare.(247页)
廿三、倘若中国革新家在使得中国力足自卫时,便适度而止,不进一步向外求胜,既得安然自处便转移其为列强所迫致的实利主义作为(译注:似指军备竞赛等)而致力于科学与艺术,建成良好的社会经济 体系,中国于是乃真尽其在世界上所应有的职责,为人类当前极紧要时期,开出一全新希望。此即我想奉以勉励于青年中国者。此希望是能够实现的,正为其必可能实现,中国在一切爱重人类者来说,应受到极高的尊崇。
But if Chinese reformers can have the moderation to stop when they have made China capable of selfdefence, and to abstain from the further step of foreign conquest; if, when they have become safe at home, they can turn aside from the materialistic activities imposed by the Powers, and devote their freedom to science and art and the inauguration of a better economic system—then China will have played the part in the world for which she is fitted, and will have given to mankind as a whole new hope in the moment of greatest need. It is this hope that I wish to see inspiring Young China. This hope is realizable; and because it is realizable, China deserves a foremost place in the esteem of every lover of mankind.(251~252页)
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