Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Install tinyos on Raspberry Pi

author:   Inglezakis Antonios

You have to install,the following packages from raspbian's repositories first (if they exist). |sudo apt-get install build-essential openjdk-6-jdk openjdk-6-jre python2.7 python2.7-dev automake avarice avr-libc msp430-libc avrdudebinutils-avr binutils-msp430 gcc-avr gcc-msp430 gdb-avr gdb-msp430 subversion graphviz python-docutils git checkinstall

For every needed package than does not exist in raspbian's repositories, you have to build and install it from source code!!!!

|After that, you have to download/clone tinyos source code repository from github
git clone

Before the complilation of any example, you also need to install from source nesc compiler.
git clone

cd to nesc source code directory
./configure [--prefix=YOURPREFIXPATH]
make install ( or sudo checkinstall if YOURPREFIXPATH is in system directory)

|mkdir -p $HOME/local/compilers

|./configure --prefix=$HOME/local/compilers


|make install|

|export PATH=$HOME/local/compilers/bin:$PATH|

Then you have to build tinyos tools from source code:
|cd tinyos-main/tools
./configure --prefix=$HOME/local/tosTools
make all
make install  (or sudo checkinstall  if prefix dir is in system directory)|

After that, you need to set some enviroment variables, so that you can build any application
Create the file $HOME/local/

   echo "Setting TinyOs 2 enviroment variables!"
   export PATH=$HOME/local/tosTools/bin:$PATH

   export PATH=$HOME/local/compilers/bin:$PATH
   export TOSROOT=$HOME/local/src/tinyos-2x
   export TOSDIR=$TOSROOT/tos
   export MAKERULES=$TOSROOT/support/make/Makerules
   export CLASSPATH=$TOSROOT/support/sdk/java/tinyos.jar:.
   export PYTHONPATH=.:$TOSROOT/support/sdk/python:$PYTHONPATH
   export PATH=$TOSROOT/support/sdk/c:$PATH|

Then make it executable:

   |chmod +x $HOME/local/|

and make it to be loaded on every terminal start, for your user. Just add the following lines to the $????/.bashrc file.
   |# TinyOS enviroment variables

   |source $HOME/local/|

Raspberry Pi is an ARM based platform, so every precompiled package for i386 or amd64 architecture fails to be installed.
Have a nice day!

Inglezakis Antonios

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